Now it is time for cooking making and the Christmas season to being. She began her Christmas Tea party earlier by making homemade sugar cookies. Rolled out her cookies.....
laid out the cookie cutters.....
Then began to cut out her cookies.... With some help from me we got the cookies in the oven ready for a tea party...
Bella is such a good little southern girl... She began by putting her outfit together and I would like to say I did all this but she actually came in the closet and picked what she wanted to wear with some help from me by giving her only party dress choice to choice from. So once she was dressed it was time to set her table.... Her home made cookies and water...
Once she had all the cookies she wanted and tea.. She grab the dish towel and began to clean up her tea party.
Some days I am pulling my hair and then I tell myself that I would not change it for anything. I would not give up days like today when she is a prefect little angel playing tea party. Days when she makes cookies and eats the cookie dough and says yummy. We are so blessed and I am so thankful everyday for the gift God has given me.