Just in case you where to busy this weekend to come see Deb (Talking Trash) & Cat Daddy on Saturday at W&T's big annual Street Sale don't worry they will be making another appearance this week in Terrell, TX. You won't want to miss the show, I know Deb AKA Bella's Nana has been working hard to give you lots of show stopping treats. She has the Cat Daddy hang from Fran & Liz's barn hang and stapling! So much she has no time for her Bella.. So please don't let her time away from Bella be wasted go see her and buy buy buy lots of Junk!!! Owe wait I mean fine Shabby Chic Garden Decor.. :)
It's Time For.......
8 years ago
I'm planning and mapping my trip there. Can't wait.
I'll be there! ~Mindy
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